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COECSA +254 78 791 3769

20-22nd August 2025
The Skylight Hotel, Addis Ababa

OSE +251 93 772 1020

Register today for COECSA 2025

We are pleased to welcome new and returning delegates and sponsors for yet another enriching educational experience. This years congress, will take place in the beautiful city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Hosted by the Ophthalmological Society of Ethiopia. 

COECSA 2025 Registration Form
Please register your details below for COECSA 2025. Please complete the forms as thoroughly as possible. After you have submitted your details, please proceed to pay for your registration using the delegate registration payment table. If you need to change any of your registration details or have any queries relating to your registration, please contact [email protected].
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
PDPP )Personal Data Protection Proclamation 2024) COECSA and the official Congress partners will only manage your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Proclamation of Ethiopia.
Are you a member of COECSA?
Please select your discipline
Please select the appropriate registration category
Please register your interest to attend the Gala Dinner
Attendance at the Gala Dinner is subject to a USD $30 supplement. Please use the payment link to secure your place.
Ethiopia’s visitor visa regime is split into 3 categories. Each category has different visa/entry requirements for the nationals within the categories. The specifics of the categories are:
Please use the dropdown list below to find out what the visa requirements are for your country of origin. Or alternatively, please visit https://www.evisa.gov.zw for more information.
Citizens of the countries listed below can get a TOURIST visa on arrival. Requirements: cash payment for visa upon arrival – US $50. No credit card accepted and no pre-payment facility available. Required to have Passport validity of 6 months and hotel booking confirmation. Citizens of the above countries can secure business visa prior to arrival in Ethiopia by applying in the Embassy in the country of their residence. If there is no Embassy, then follow Category D process.
Citizens and residents of the following countries must secure visa in their country of residence as there is an Embassy in the country, even if the embassy is in a different city. Requirements: Invitation letter from Ethiopia; send scanned copy of passport to host in Ethiopia; and any other requirements from the Embassy in the country.
Citizens who are not part of Category A & B and do not reside in a country under Category C are expected to secure their visa through a neighboring country or request for business visa on arrival to be pre-arranged. No delegate under this category can travel to Ethiopia without the visa approval in their hands – a process of at least 10 working days.

The 12th Congress of COECSA Delegate Fees 

Please click proceed to the registration link to register to attend. 

Early Bird (until 31st December) 2nd Early Bird (until 30th May) Late Registration (After 30th May) Onsite Registration
Ophthalmologist fellows of COECSA
Ophthalmologist Members of Affiliate Societies in ECSA
Associate member of COECSA/TOA/OCOA/ Residents
Ophthalmologists from Eastern Central & Southern Africa -Non member
International Ophthalmologist (Non ECSA)
Non Ophthalmology Medical Doctor
Allied Health Professionals
Accompanying persons
Exhibitor – Non-Profits
Exhibitor – Corporates
An additional $30 supplement is required to attend the Gala Dinner. Please click on the link to complete your purchase